ABECEDA POHYBU / The Language of Movement
KEDY/WHEN: 21.5. - 22.5. 2021 LECTOR: Kate Jobe
(v terapii a sebarozvoji): Pokročilé proces orientované štúdie pohybu
Pohyb komunikuje. Tvorí minimálne 75% komunikácie medzi nami a ostatnými. Spolu s pocitmi tela nás informuje o nás, našich pocitoch a stave mysle. Je najspoľahlivejšou cestou k sledovaniu procesu a odkrývaniu tajomstiev v nás.
Naše vlastné špeciálne pohybové vzorce obsahujú klúč k nášmu
individuálnemu "ja", k tomu, kým sme. Táto úžasná jednota nášho pohybu, s našou
podstatou, sa tká, či formuje okolo
našich snov, vzťahov, symptómov, nehôd, zvykov, mýtov a pomáha týmto veciam
rozumieť. Pomáha tiež dekódovať význam a dôvod, prečo sme tu.
Pohyb je jazyk sám o sebe, založený na priamej skúsenosti. To znamená, že necháme rozvinúť skúsenosť namiesto pochopenia. Na tomto seminári sa zameriame na pohyb pomocou Labanovho pohybového systému, sofistikovanej metóde na skúmanie pohybu v každodennom živote, v kombinácii s Procesorientovaným prístupom zameraným na skúmanie správ v našom pohybe.
"Kým som sa nenaučila analyzovať pohyb, bolo pre mňa veľmi ťažké vedieť s ním pracovať. Bála som sa, že urobím niečo zle, budem vyzerať hlúpo alebo sa budú moji klienti a klientky cítiť trápne. Akonáhle som mala spôsob jasného videnia rôznych druhy pohybu a pochopenie, čím sú dôležité, vedela som, že môžem riskovať trochu svojej istoty a nasledovať "jazyk" pohybu. Jazyk pohybu nie je to, čo pohyb komunikuje, čo môžeme ľahko pomenovať, napríklad kývnutie na pozdrav "Ahoj". Je to skôr facilitácia priestoru v ktorom to môže byť zažité, a vďaka tomu porozumené.
Na tomto seminári použijeme niektoré z konceptov Labaných pohybových štúdií, čo je do hĺbky zameraný a praktický prístup k identifikácii pohybu v kombinácii so zručnosťami Procesorientovanej práce pre prácu v rôznych oblastiach terapie a koučingu."
The Language of Movement (in therapy and self-development): Advanced Processwork Studies of Movement
Movement communicates. It is at least 75% of communication between yourself and others. It along with body feelings, informs you about yourself, your feelings and state of mind. Movement is the most reliable way of following process and unfolding the mysteries in yourself.
Your own special patterns in movement hold the key to your "youness"; to who you are. This wonderful oneness of your movement, with your essence, weaves around your dreams, relationships, symptoms, accidents, habits and your myth, and helps make sense of these things. It helps decode meaning and the reason you are here.
Movement is a language of its own that is based in direct experience. That is, experience that we allow to unfold instead of understand. In this seminar we will focus on movement using the Laban Movement System, a sophisticated method for exploring movement in everyday life, combined with Processwork to explore the messages in your movement.
"Until I learned to deconstruct movement I found it very difficult to know how to work with it. I was afraid of doing the wrong thing or looking foolish or even making my clients feel awkward. But once I had a way of clearly seeing the different kinds of movement and what was important in them, I knew that I could risk a bit of my certainty and follow the "language" of movement. The Language of Movement is not what movement communicates that we can easily name, for instance waving hello to someone. It is rather facilitating a space where it can be experienced and through this it makes itself understood.
In this seminar we will use some of the concepts of Laban Movement Studies, an in-depth and practical approach to identifying movement, combined with Processwork skills to work in various areas of therapeutic and coaching practices."
Organizačné informácie
MIESTO: online platforma zoom
ČAS: 9:00 - 17:30.
JAZYK: Anglický, seminár bude tlmočený do slovenčiny
Registrácia: https://form.jotform.com/210452569722355
Pri zaplatení do 10.4.2021 je zvýhodnená cena 130€.
Cena pri zaplatení po 10.4.2021 je 160 €.
Zľava pre členov POPI je 10€.
IBAN: SK86 8330 0000 0028 0130 0539
Banka: Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky, Nám.SNP 21, 811 01 Bratislava
Do poznámky prosím napíšte svoje meno a názov seminára: ABECEDA POHYBU
Vaša registrácia je platná až platbou za seminár.
STORNO POPLATKY - ak zrušíte svoju účasť na seminári najneskôr 4 týždne pred podujatím, storno poplatok neúčtujeme. Po 4 týždňoch do 2 týždňov pred konaním podujatia sa účtuje poplatok 50% z celkovej sumy. Pri stornovaní 2 týždne a menej pred konaním akcie účtujeme celú sumu. Storno poplatok neúčtujeme v prípade, že účastník za seba nájde náhradu. K plneniu stornopoplatkov sa zaväzujete svojím prihlásením sa cez formulár.
Event information
PLACE: online platform ZOOM
TIME: 9am - 5.30pm.
LANGUAGE: English with translation into Slovak
Registration: https://form.jotform.com/210452569722355
Early birth: Until April 10th 130€.
After April 10th 160 €.
Discount for members of POPI is 10€.
Account name: POPI SLOVENSKO
IBAN: SK86 8330 0000 0028 0130 0539
Bank: Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky, Nám.SNP 21, 811 01 Bratislava
Write your name and title (The language of Movement) in the noteYour registration is finally confirmed after paying the course fee
Contact the organizer to confirm your participation and method of payment.
If you cancel your participation in the seminar no later than 4 weeks before the event, we do not charge a cancellation fee. After 4 weeks to 2 weeks before the event, a fee of 50% of the total amount will be charged. If you cancel 2 weeks or less before the event, we charge the full amount. We do not charge a cancellation fee if the participant finds a refund for himself. You undertake to fulfill the cancellation fees by registration.

Kate Jobe is known for her expertise in working with movement as a means to unfold the deep messages that are expressed through the body and through the seemingly unsurmountable challenges that occur in life. She works with individuals in psychological counselling and coaching and with organizational development and conflict work in groups and organizations in her practice in Winterthur, Switzerland where she lives. She is passionate about the body's role in healing the past and in revealing the life path forward. Kate is a founder of the Processwork Institute (PWI) in Portland, IAPOP and Processwork Ireland in Dublin. She has taught and practiced Processwork for over 30 years and has facilitated political and social hot spots.
Process-oriented psychotherapy or Process Work provides a basic framework for understanding a person, his relationships with the people in the environment in which he lives. It helps to find meaning in disturbing events and gain confidence in the unknown. They learn to perceive unusual experiences as a new enriching path. You can read more at www.processwork.sk.